Monthly Archive: July, 2012

Religions of the World Vol 10: Judaism

The following information provided by with more references listed after. I hope you all enjoy, and feel free to discuss so long as it stays on topic of the religion at hand,… Continue reading

Religions of the World Vol 9: Christianity

The following information provided by with more references listed after. I hope you all enjoy, and feel free to discuss so long as it stays on topic of the religion at hand, or… Continue reading

Religions of the World Vol 8: Islam

The following information provided by with more references listed after. I hope you all enjoy, and feel free to discuss so long as it stays on topic of the religion at hand,… Continue reading

Religions of the World Vol 7: Mithraism

The following information provided by with more references listed after. I hope you all enjoy, and feel free to discuss so long as it stays on topic of the religion at hand,… Continue reading

Religions of the World Vol 6: Baha’i Faith

The following information provided by ReligionFacts.comwith more references listed after. I hope you all enjoy, and feel free to discuss so long as it stays on topic of the religion at hand, or… Continue reading

Religions of the World Vol 5: Hinduism

The following information provided by  with more references listed after. I hope you all enjoy, and feel free to discuss so long as it stays on topic of the religion at hand,… Continue reading

Religions of the World Vol 4: Satanism

The following information provided by with more references listed after. I hope you all enjoy, and feel free to discuss so long as it stays on topic of the religion at hand,… Continue reading

Religions of the World Vol 3: Shinto

The following information provided by with more references listed after. I hope you all enjoy, and feel free to discuss so long as it stays on topic of the religion at hand,… Continue reading

Religions of the World Vol 2: Zoroastrianism

  The following information provided by with more references listed after. I hope you all enjoy, and feel free to discuss so long as it stays on topic of the religion at… Continue reading

Religions of the World Vol 1: Asatru

I have begun a new project on Facebook, introducing my Friends List to a new religion every day, and I figured why not add it to my blog as well?  So, what I… Continue reading

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